When a well-established healthcare brand wishes to expand into retail business, some common challenges faced are scalability, adaptability, and creating differentiated brand assets.

A retail design system based on economical, ready-to-assemble modules that can be set up rapidly and also facilitate ease of relocation to new sites with minimal exit cost.
Apollo with its brand equity of hospitals and healthcare aimed to expand its retail front as an organized pharmacy space. The intention was to grow rapidly though stores in multiple locations. Some private labeled healthcare support products were also launched to fortify their product portfolio.

Apollo, a recognized and respected healthcare brand was positioned as a public utility by Incubis with a new brand identity. The retail store model designed modular that could be assembled anywhere with a couple of simple tools. The space provider/landlord had to do the glazing, flooring, air conditioning and wall painted to a predefined colour. This enabled them to ramp up these stores quickly at low cost. Wall units, counters and racks for self-service were designed as a modular ready-to-assemble system. This model enabled them to grow their pharmacies rapidly and also shift to new locations with ease when required.
Today it is India’s first and largest branded pharmacy network, with over 3000 plus outlets in key